youth & children

Youth and Children’s Ministry at Oxley


  • Sunday Connect – 9.00 am – age 3 years and up, linked with worship.
    Any young person at worship is welcome, there will be a direction during the service for the kids to join our groups
    downstairs for stories, games and craft.


  • Friday Night Youth – 7.30 to 9.30 pm – youth group for high school age  (grade 7 – 12)
    Run during school term. Register to attend term 1 here  Contact: Holly Jewell o434 535 780

Day Camp and FunFari

Day Camp is a program of fun and excitement within a Christian environment for children in years 1 to 5. It is a time of discovery and adventure in a bush-land setting. Day Camp is the fun of hikes, craft, the thrill of cooking your own food over a campfire, games and making things using what nature provides.

Fun Fari is a similar program for older primary and junior high school children, and includes adventure activities and visits to attractions.

Day Camp (school years 1-5) and Fun Fari (school years 6-7) usually run in the first week of the June-July school holidays. More information is available here: Day Camp | FunFari. If you are in Grade 8 or older, you might like to consider registering for Day Camp as a leader.